Independent Medical Examiner

Aggravation of Prior Work Injury Nets Fork Lift Driver $115,000 Workers’ Compensation Claim

A 45 year old material handler re-injured his back while driving a fork lift truck into a steel barrier. The case proceeded as an aggravation of a preexisting condition. The employer disputed the value of the workers' compensation claim. Following negotiations, Lipkin & Apter successfully increased the settlement offer.
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Workers’ Compensation Benefits for 3.5 Years PLUS $525,000 Personal Injury Settlement

MC, a former client, contacted us after having been injured while making a delivery to a grocery store. The wheels of his hand truck caught on a loosely covered and hazardous drain causing him to seriously injure both wrists. The personal injury and workers' compensation lawyers at Lipkin & Apter successful obtained both workers' compensation benefits for his extended time off duty as well as a $525,000 personal injury settlement due to the drain hazard.
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$58,000 Settlement to Worker Without Objective Evidence of Injury

Resolving an injury case- be it work related or personal injury- must take into account the personal circumstances and certainly, the wishes of our client. As attorneys, our goal is to give our clients the information they need to make a decision that best suits their needs.
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What Are Your Options When IME Disputes Your Doctor’s Recommendations?

An Independent Medical Exam (IME) is an opportunity for the employer to have you examined by a doctor of their choosing. But the IME doctor is not going to engage you in a doctor-patient relationship. And they may not agree with the treating doctor. Here are your options.
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