
Would an ounce of prevention have saved this man's life?

The Illinois medical malpractice lawyers of Lipkin & Apter represented a 66 year old man who entered a hospital with complaints of severe chest pain. He was discharged without tests being performed to determine whether his coronary arteries were blocked. The tests were not approved by the patient's insurance company while he was in the hospital because they could be performed more cost effectively on an out-patient basis.

The cardiologist, who had known the patient for years and had performed an angiogram on the patient 4 years earlier due to coronary blockage, went along with the insurance company's recommendation. The patient was discharged at 5:00 p.m., went directly home and died of a heart attack at 7:00 p.m.

Successful Resolution: $600,000

An autopsy revealed our client's main left descending coronary artery was 95% blocked. Our medical malpractice lawyers were able to settle the case for $600,000 without trial.

When a healthcare provider’s failure to offer adequate care results in injury or, even worse, death, the attorneys of Lipkin & Apter are available to represent your case. To learn more about how our lawyers can provide legal assistance to you or someone you love, contact our Chicago office to schedule a free consultation.