C.M., a long time building engineer at a Condominium high-rise, injured his rotator cuff and biceps tendon pushing a heavy garbage bin up a ramp.

He was seen at his company clinic, and then by an orthopedic surgeon at Loyola Medical Center, where he was diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff and biceps tendonitis. C.M. went through the full gamut of conservative medical treatment, before undergoing surgery 3 months post accident. He was off work nearly a year, before returning to his job.

As sometimes occurs in workers compensation cases, temporary total disability payments (i.e. weekly payments to an off work injured worker) were frequently delayed, which caused considerable trouble for C.M. in paying his bills. Issues also arose as to whether C.M. was capable of "light duty" work.

We had constant contact with the workers compensation insurance carrier to make sure C.M.’s benefits were promptly restored, and in making sure that his employer would follow light duty restrictions.

At the end of his treatment, we were able to negotiate a settlement of C.M.’s permanent partial disability benefits of $63,000.