Case Results

Searching for the right personal injury attorney in Illinois can be overwhelming. Your lawyer will represent you at a stressful time when you are vulnerable and worried. While every injury and case is different, you may find reassurance and wisdom in learning more about what others have gone through. Browse through our list of case results and accident settlements for a better understanding of what the personal injury lawyers at Lipkin & Apter can do for you. Contact us online or call our Chicago, Illinois office for more information.

$300,000 Settlement When Nursing Home Fails to Follow Doctor's Orders

Settlement was reached on a nursing home abuse case that was due to a doctor’s order not being communicated. Read more from the attorneys at Lipkin & Apter.
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$170,000 Nursing Home Abuse Claim Awarded After Failure to Correct Damage From Bed Sores

When a nursing home abuse case was brought to the lawyers at Lipkin & Apter, we relied on the protection of the Illinois Nursing Home Act to settle. Read case details here.
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$75,000 Settlement to Surving Son when Nursing Home Resident Develops Gangrene

Nursing home abuse resulted in gangrene and amputation for the father of a Lipkin & Apter client, who settled for $75,000 in mediation. Learn more how our attorneys were able to receive a successful resolution.
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$1,500,000 In Personal Injury AND Workers Compensation to Worker Falling Through Unmarked Trap Door

Our worker's compensation attorneys represented a 39-year-old cable repairman who was working in a utility shack atop a 17-story Illinois apartment building. He fell through a trap door of a six-foot access shaft while attempting to retrieve a two-way company phone. The access shaft had guard rails/walls on all sides. There were no warning signs against entering the access shaft or stepping on the trap door, which our client thought was solid, concrete sub-floor. As a result, our client fell eight feet to the hallway stairs below, resulting in multiple fractures of his leg. Knee replacement surgery will be required in the future. In the end, our client was awarded $1.2 million for his injury case. He also received an additional $300,000 for his worker's compensation claim.
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$235,000 to Auto Accident Victim When Negligent Driver Turns Left Into Him

A young auto accident victim suffered injuries caused by a negligent driver. Learn how the lawyers of Lipkin & Apter helped him settle for $235,000.
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Jury Awards $300,000 for Auto Accident-Caused Knee Injury

Preexisting medical conditions can linger for years and be the root of moderate pain, but what happens when you are involved in an auto accident that causes the injury to intensify? Learn more here: the auto accident lawyers at Lipkin & Apter represented a client involved in a car crash that was a 36-year-old male, married, and father of two and with a history of a prior knee injury. Even though the defendant denied liability for the auto accident, and further denied that the accident resulted in damage to our client’s knee, the lawyers of Lipkin & Apter were able to successfully obtain a $300,000 settlement on his behalf.
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